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A few words about Afterpay

  • Afterpay cannot be used for all items on this site.
  • If it is available for your chosen items, “Afterpay” is automatically shown at checkout.
  • Afterpay is only available for carts up to a checkout total of $1,000.
  • This $1,000 limit is set by “Afterpay” and not by us.
  • If you wish to use Afterpay for cart/checkout totals of more than $1,000 you can try submitting multiple orders (each with a total of less than $1,000) instead of one big order.
  • Important: Afterpay does not automatically give everyone access to the full $1,000 limit. Please refer to the information below (direct from Afterpay).

Why is my order being declined?

  • Afterpay does not approve 100% of orders. We are committed to ensuring we support responsible spending.
  • When determining which orders to approve, we consider a number of different factors. As an example, the longer you have been a customer with Afterpay and the more orders you have successfully repaid, the more likely you will be able to spend more.

Things to consider:

  • are there sufficient funds on your card (generally we look to see 25% of the order value available to spend).
  • length of time you have been using Afterpay (tighter in the first 6 weeks).
  • amount you have to repay, it may help to pay some off (not a guarantee).
  • the value of the order you are trying to place, it may help to reduce the value of your shopping cart (not a guarantee).
  • adding a credit card may increase your spending power (not a guarantee).
  • the number of orders you currently have ‘open’ with us (not a guarantee).

Whilst we know it can be frustrating to not know exactly how much you can spend each time or how many active orders you can have, our rules and approval process help Afterpay responsibly offer a completely free service to our customers.

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